Product Demos

We have catalogued a number of video demos highlighting the importance of process control and how cutting-edge technology can bring manufacturing & research into Industry 4.0 and beyond.



EyePASS V3 Machine Learning

New Updates for the Eyecon2 Particle Analyser
Eyecon2 is a non-product contact sensor for real time particle size and shape data. EyePASS the particle size image analysis software now utilizes cutting edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

Eyecon2 Particle Analyzer Overview

Eyecon2 Particle Analyzer Overview

Darren McHugh, Product Manager, gives a walkthrough of the Eyecon2 particle analyzer technology and demonstrates key features, in particular, the ability to use the same unit in benchtop mode and in-line.

SmartX Introduction at Achema 2022

SmartX Introduction at Achema 2022

A brief demo to the features and specifications of the Process Digitalisation and Automation Platform - SmartX, as showcased at the Frankfurt Achema Expo 2022
SmartX is a unifying automation platform for any process equipment through low code / no code interfaces.

Eyecon2 Product Video

Eyecon2 Product Video

This video showcases the power and potential of the Eyecon2 whether used On-Line, In-Line or At-Line. Here we outline the applications, features, specifications of this unit, and how it can be used in your process control

EyePASS V3 0 Machine Learning particle size

EyePASS V3 0 Machine Learning particle size

A deep dive into the abilities of Convoluted Neural Networks and how they can train the EyePASS software to learn new models/new material measurements

Eyecon2 Specs and Features

Eyecon2 Specs and Features

This video looks at the features and specs of the Eyecon2 and its powering software EyePASS

SmartX - Process Digitalization and Automation Platform

SmartX - Process Digitalization and Automation Platform

A deployed SmartX instance enables process automation through low code / no code interfaces, placing the control evenly across all divisions. Real-time process control and automation are executed locally to maximize robustness. The SmartX data integration engine provides hub functionality, routing all local data communications and providing data caching functionality in the event of any connection failures. PAT and sensor devices can be interfaced via their proprietary software packages, or generic drivers as appropriate.